Walking With A Guide We Can Trust

One person who came to know Jesus very well and walked with Him throughout His earthly ministry is the apostle John. By Jesus’ choosing and grace, John was there. He witnessed Jesus at the wedding at Cana; feeding 5,000; walking on water; transfiguration; raising of Lazarus; Jesus washed his feet; at the cross; outran Peter to empty tomb and went in after Peter did; Jesus appeared to 10; and he saw Him ascend back to heaven). We can trust John as a guide with Jesus. John begins his letter affirming that he “heard,” “saw,” “looked upon,” and “touched” Jesus with his own hands. Moreover, John writes this epistle for our sake so that (1) we may have fellowship with the early believers, whose own fellowship included the Father and His Son Jesus; and (2) we have fullness of joy in Jesus. In a related way, Martin Luther said, “I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my Guide.”