Fully Alive!

Let's let everyone know how wonderful our community is. Help St. Peter get recognized as the Daily Herald's Best Place to Worship and Best Private School by submitting your nomination today. Your nomination makes a difference and helps showcase the faith, education, and community we cherish at St. Peter. Nominations are open now and will end on March 30, 2025.

Nominate St. Peter HERE!

Thank you for being part of our St. Peter family! Let’s spread the word and celebrate our amazing church and school.

This weekend St. Peter is blessed to host Lutheran basketball teams in our building. We are in need of some volunteers to help run the concessions. Please consider taking a shift or two to show the Lutheran teams how wonderful St. Peter really is! Sign up HERE

The Governing Board is calling for nominations. We encourage all to pray that God will deliver up leaders to serve in this vital role. We seek women and men who have leadership experience, who are voting members of the congregation, and who are able to serve in accordance with the qualifications and expectations listed in the GBPM. Nominations can now be made through a simple online form HEREA description of the qualifications can be found in the Governing Board Policy Manual (GBPM) posted on our website fulllifeinchrist.org/governing-board or in the church office. 

The rainy season is here and the American Heritage Girls (AHG) are having their annual flower sale. Our 10-inch hanging baskets make a wonderful Mother's Day gift! We have and still are using the same high-quality supplier. Take a look at the available items in this Flower Order Form for more details.  Can't decide what to get? Have a peek at these Flower Photos. Order forms and payment are due Friday, April 11th and delivery day is Friday, May 9th. Thank you for supporting our young women. Enjoy your flowers!

Jesus commanded us to love and serve our neighbors. Would you like to discover how you personally can be the empathetic, helping presence Christ has called you to be? Join us on March 21 and 22 in Bartz Hall as Lutheran Church Charities leads us to become effective spiritual first responders by learning Spiritual First Aid™, a simple, biblically based framework for crisis care. Learn to:  

• Understand better what to say and how to help hurting people in our community 
• Learn research-backed skills and field-tested tools for practical support 
• Feel more confident in the care each of us gives our neighbors 

 Free training event in Bartz Hall: Friday, March 21 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday, March 22 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lunch will be served at noon. Register via the link by March 14, 2025, as space is limited. Select St. Peter Lutheran Arlington Heights, IL. To register, click this link:  https://lcc.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/1360/responses/new. Looking forward to learning Spiritual First Aide with you.  Questions?  contact Jean Mau parishnurse@fulllifeinchrist.org 

Join us The Lutheran Home Auxiliary for a fun day of shopping- great variety and amazing bargains on Friday, March 21, 2025, from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. In addition to Easter décor and our regular offerings of jewelry, baked goods, linens, books, toys, games, glassware, dishes, artwork, and other general treasures, we have a large amount of beautiful quilt fabric and pre-cuts.  All proceeds go to the Auxiliary to spend for activities and special programs for the residents.
KidMin Corner
St. Peter Kids kicked off the month of March with some great activities that helped us learn more about Jesus and how we can be more like Him. One of our values is Empowerment, and we strive to help empower even the smallest disciples to share what God is doing in their lives. 

Last week, our elementary students made a chain that represents the unique gifts and talents that God has given them. This week we talked about how they can use those talents to share God's message and to bring people to Jesus. We had a lot of fun gathering new disciples on our parachute and then scattering them to the ends of the earth. We also had to work together to navigate our cups through the maze without touching the edges.

Our preschool students are in a series called "Watch This". How many times have you heard that as a parent? Our focus for the month is to watch Jesus as he does what only Jesus can do, perform miracles. Our first miracle was the calming of the storm. We had a lot of fun playing in the water and also got to take home some storm calming bottles. When you're feeling stormy inside, shake the bottle and as you watch it settle, talk to Jesus who can calm down any situation. 

Feel free to join us on Sundays from 10-11am. St. Peter Kids PreK meets in one of our Life Center classrooms and our Elementary students meet in the Small Gym. We'd love for you to be a part of the fun!

The PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) program at Our Saviour's works to help those struggling with homelessness throughout the harsh winter months. Our Saviour's welcomes homeless guests, both individuals and families, into their church home each Monday evening, offering a safe warm place to stay, hot meals, laundry facilities and showers. So far this season they have averaged 30+ PADS guests, individuals and families. They have been welcoming them for 35 years at OSLC.
Sign up now to help at PADS! Trained PADS volunteers, please sign up to volunteer in upcoming weeks. Sign up electronically HERE.

Not trained and interested in becoming a trained volunteer? Let them know! A list of people interested in becoming new trained PADS volunteers is now being compiled. If you’d like to come to a training session, let the leadership team know using the link https://signup.com/go/iuEhaiE a training session will be set up on a week night as soon as enough people express interest. If you have any questions, please call Pat Polerecky at 847-208-6972 or email at patpolerecky@yahoo.com.

Tuesday, March 18, 6:30 - 8:00 pm St. Peter Life Center
Gather with women from all ages and stages of life as we build meaningful relationships with each other and grow closer to Jesus. Bring your Bible and a friend. If you are new to St Peter, this is a great place to start building community. This month is a pizza party. We’ll order the pizza, you come hungry!

Are you looking to build community and connections at Saint Peter?  This is your FIRST STEP: Signing up for the New Member Community Group launching March 9th and become a member of St Peter. This 7-week group will meet on Sundays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am during Discipleship Hour. 

Build community, learn foundational beliefs, and practice simple, Jesus following habits, as you explore what sets St. Peter apart. Register HERE.

We can face competing priorities when we think about planning our estates someday. Part of that tension flows from immediate needs versus long-term needs in our lives. Many seniors are concerned about the high cost of nursing home care and believe their only estate priority is protecting assets. But there are many other legal and financial issues that should be considered, including how to bless family with inheritance and support ministries that the Lord has laid on the heart. Your St. Peter Gift Planning Counselor can broaden your consideration. Contact Ray Pagels at raymondpagels1@gmail.com or Ray’s cell at 847-226-2262.


Mission: Leading People To A Full Life In Christ
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


Vision: Seeing Lives And Communities Transformed As We Become More Like Jesus
And we all… are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

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