Fully Alive!

Do you have a heart to help your neighbors who are hurting and troubled, but you do not know what to say or do? Discover how you can be the empathetic, helping presence Jesus has called you to be. Signups are open now for this 2-day training event on Friday, March 21 from 6:00-9:00 p.m. and on Saturday, March 22 from 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. with lunch about noon. Register by Friday, March 14.All sessions take place in Bartz Hall, at St. Peter Lutheran Church in Arlington Heights, IL. Register HERE.

KidMin Corner
St. Peter [Kids] has been spending the month of February discovering how God has made each of us uniquely and wonderfully and how Jesus loves everyone.

Our preschool students have been learning about Jesus calling each of the disciples. Whether they were fishermen or tax collectors, Jesus loves everyone and wants them to follow Him. We can be like the disciples and invite other people to follow Jesus too! 

Our elementary students have been focused on all the ways God has created them to be unique. We all have our own gifts and skills that we can use to share God's love and invite others to learn more about Jesus. We even made some awesome pictures with our unique fingerprints!

This weekend, we'll finish watching the last 10 minutes of Inside Out to wrap up our discussion of emotions from last month, and then finish our February lessons with some fun games and crafts.

Exciting news for our 5th graders!
This year marks the start of their Confirmation journey, we invite all St. Peter & Public School 5th graders & up to Pastor Randy's Confirmation Workshop #1 on First/Holy Communion, happening Tuesday, March 4, from 6:30–8:00 pm in the Life Center. After completing this workshop, students will be able to receive their First Communion, traditionally during our Maundy Thursday service (April 17 at 6:30 pm). Families are also welcome to choose another time that feels right.

Tuesday, February 25, 6:30 - 8:00 pm St Peter Life Center 
Gather with women from all ages and stages of life as we build meaningful relationships with each other and grow closer to Jesus. Bring your Bible and a friend. This month we’ll celebrate Valentines Day together. Bring a sweet treat to share, we’ll have drinks and cocoa. RSVP HERE.

Are you looking to build community and connections at Saint Peter?  This is your FIRST STEP: Signing up for the New Member Community Group launching March 9th and become a member of St Peter. This 7-week group will meet on Sundays from 10:00 - 11:00 am during Discipleship Hour. 

Build community, learn foundational beliefs, and practice simple, Jesus following habits, as you explore what sets St. Peter apart. Register HERE.

Through Thrivent Choice, Thrivent clients with membership can contribute to organizations and causes they care about—and influence how Thrivent distributes some of its charitable grant funding through Choice Dollars®.

You can make a personal donation of Thrivent’s funds to your favorite enrolled organization such as St. Peter. Thrivent pays the processing fees.  Your eligibility is based on insurance premiums and contract values.

Through Thrivent Choice, more than $585 million has been distributed to churches and nonprofits nationwide.

We can face competing priorities when we think about distributions from our estates someday, even as we consider gifts that will support ministry. In supporting ministries, there is always the need of “today” versus the needs of the “future”. Which should you choose? Saints of the Lord may come up with differing plans about these priorities. Your St. Peter Gift Planning Counselor may be able to help you clearly see how you can do both. Contact Ray Pagels, Christian Gift Planning Counselor at his cell 847.226.2262 or Raymondpagels1@gmail.com


Mission: Leading People To A Full Life In Christ
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


Vision: Seeing Lives And Communities Transformed As We Become More Like Jesus
And we all… are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:18

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