Plan a visit to. We’d love to have you!

Welcome to St. Peter Lutheran Church & School!

We are glad that you are interested in learning more about us and we hope to meet you soon. We hope that the information below will help make your time with us a bit easier.

If You’re Coming for Worship…

Most of our first time guests like to visit a worship service to get a feel for what St. Peter is like. You are welcome to join us at any of our worship services.

Each weekend, we offer four unique worship services.

Our 5:00 pm service on Saturday is a relaxed traditional service, with music led by organ and choirs.

At 8:30 am on Sunday, we offer a lively traditional service in our Sanctuary, with music led by organ and choirs.

Looking for a way to join in worship that engages everyone in the family? Join us for Modern Worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 11:11 am! These in-person and online innovative worship opportunities help connect you to a community of believers from across the world. Reflect on God’s Word, engage in prayer, and leave feeling uplifted and refreshed!

  • We are located at 111 W. Olive St. in Arlington Heights, Illinois, a northwest suburb of the city of Chicago. For a Google Map and directions, click here.

    One thing you may want to keep in mind is that we are not the only Lutheran Church on Olive Street! Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) is located on the corner of Olive St. and Arlington Heights Rd. We are located three blocks WEST of that intersection. It can be easy to get confused, so you might want to make note of this!

  • We have two parking lots located on either side of our campus. The first you are likely to see is our east parking lot at Olive St. & Vail Ave. There is another, larger parking lot on the west side of Highland Ave. Handicap parking is readily available in both lots. If necessary, you are also welcome to park on the street.

  • You are welcome to come to worship wearing whatever you find comfortable and appropriate in a public place. You’ll find some wearing coats and ties and others in sandals and shorts, along with everything in between.

  • We love kids! We place a very high value on families being able to worship together. Nothing is more fundamental for raising children to know and follow Jesus than being in worship together as a family.

    At the same time, we know that it isn’t always easy, especially when kids are young or just getting started in worship, so we offer a number of things to help.

    Church Bags – On your way into worship, grab one of the “Church Bags” to give your child(ren) some age-appropriate toys and activities. We keep them stocked with reading books and coloring books, as well as toys that don’t make a lot of noise.

    Booster Seats – For some children, all that they need is a better view of what’s happening. Grab a booster seat and help them watch what’s going on.

    Kids Word – During all Sunday worship services, we offer children who are preschool-age through 2nd grade to step out of the worship service during the sermon for an age-appropriate learning time. Led by a team of staff and volunteers, the children will learn about our “Big Idea” for the day and engage in other fun activities. Children will be returned to the sanctuary shortly after the sermon wraps up.

    This is intended to give them a chance to engage the teaching, while you are able to focus better on the sermon.

  • Because we place a high value on receiving the gifts that Jesus gives through His Word (the Bible) and the Sacraments (Baptism and Communion), you will see them often in our weekend worship services.

    Baptisms are conducted whenever they are requested and are typically one of the first parts of that particular worship service. All the children in worship are invited forward during the baptism to give them the best seats in the house and involve them in what is going on.

    Communion is offered at every worship service. As a member of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, we practice close(d) communion, in recognition of the fact that what we offer in communion is the true body and blood of Jesus Christ. 

    For those who are our guests, we ask that you kindly speak with a pastor before joining us for communion. This allows our pastors to oversee the sacrament in an a faithful manner.

    Contact us HERE for more Baptism information!

  • If you would like to become an official member of the church, we ask that you complete our 7 week new member class. This class focuses on the Lutheran doctrine and how to get connected to life at St. Peter. To learn more, click HERE.