we offer 4-weekend services with a Sunday morning Discipleship Hour for all ages. 

Revelation’s first sevenfold series consists of seven letters (or royal edicts) directly from Jesus to seven of His churches in Asia Minor. For the most part, each letter follows a similar pattern: description of Christ, divine diagnosis “I know”, warning against compromise, exhortation to hear and respond, and blessing/promise for overcomers. These letters reveal that Jesus is present with all of His churches and intimately aware of their circumstances, challenges, and faithfulness (or lack thereof). 

These letters continue to speak into ecclesiastical matters today – perseverance, idolatry, courage to witness, obedience, doctrinal purity, etc. Though addressed to specific, historical congregations, the seven churches are also representative of the holy Christian church on earth. The plural statement at the end of each letter: “...let him listen to what the Spirit says to the churches” (e.g., Rev 2:7) implies that these are “open letters” for every named church to hear and respond to. Furthermore, the complete and holy number seven encompasses all of Christianity. As such, they apply to believers in every age. Finally, as a literary unit within Revelation, the letters prepare recipients to receive and apply Christ’s message in the ensuing visions (4:1-22:5).

Our Saturday in-person Sacred Worship service, held in the serene atmosphere of our sanctuary, offers a deeply enriching experience through sacred music and liturgy. This service is a time to gather as a community to immerse ourselves in uplifting hymns and thoughtful prayers.

Available both live-streaming and in-person, our Sacred Worship service will connect you with the deep roots of our faith and includes the best of our sacred music and liturgy.

Looking for a way to join in worship that engages everyone in the family? Join us for Modern Worship on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in person, and 11:11 am in person and live streaming! This innovative worship opportunity helps connect you to a community of believers from across the world. Reflect on God’s Word, engage in prayer, and leave feeling uplifted and refreshed!

Discipleship hour: 10:00 - 11:00 am

Come together for an enriching experience at our Discipleship Hour. This is a wonderful opportunity to grow in the community, deepen your faith, and discover how to lead a fulfilling life in Christ. There are opportunities for both adults and kids. Our adult programs vary and meet in multiple spaces in the building. Connect with our host families to find an area that suits your preference. Register below for our Kids (Pre K-5th grade) or our Middle School Kids.

St Peter Kids: Register your child for St Peter Kids PreK-5th grade. REGISTER HERE
Middle School Ministry: Register your student for Middle School Ministry 6th-8th grade REGISTER HERE

Want to order flowers to bless our Worship space?

We have partnered with Busse Florist to allow St. Peter members to purchase Worship flowers. Please review the available slots on the form and click on the worship day and location (Sanctuary or Life Center) you would like to donate the flower arrangement. They can be in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special occasion, birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, marriages, etc. Each floral arrangement is $27.56 (taxes included); you will receive an invoice from Busse’s Flowers & Gifts. Floral arrangement orders must be submitted by Tuesday of the preferred week!


Want to join the Worship team? Let us know how you can help out.

If You Have Any Questions Click HERE And Someone From Our Worship Team Will Get You The Answers You Need!


Want to call in and listen to our livestream services on your phone?
For those without a computer or smartphone, this is a way for you to stay connected to our worship services. To access the phone-in option, simply dial the number (847) 999-3259 and follow the prompts. It even gives you the option to receive a phone call whenever our live-streaming service begins, so you don’t forget!