
What is Confirmation? Confirmation is a significant spiritual rite during the lifelong journey of faith in which a person publicly confirms the faith given to them in their baptism. The Confirmation Journey unites parents and the church to lead students towards a full life in Christ from 6th grade through the fall of Freshman year. The mountain-top moment is on Reformation weekend in the students’ Freshman year when they “go public” with their faith. Our Confirmation Program is focussed not only on “head knowledge,” but also “heart knowledge.”

Confirmation Workshop #1 will take place on Thursday, February 8th from 6:30pm to 8pm in the Life Center. These workshops are open to all public school students in 5th Grade and Up. As a reminder, we have a total of 6 Confirmation Workshops:

1: First/Holy Communion
2: Holy Baptism
3: The 10 Commandments
4: The Apostles' Creed
5: Prayer and the Lord's Prayer
6: Confession/Forgiveness

Students must attend with a parent, and all six workshops must be completed before Confirmation Weekend (October 26/27, 2024) of their freshman year in high school. St. Peter students cover the workshops in our religion curriculum and we offer evening workshops every couple months for our students that don't attend St. Peter.

Missed the last class, Confirmation Workshop #6 - Confession & Forgiveness? Watch the recording HERE.

Students who wish to be confirmed are highly encouraged to regularly:

  1. Have faith conversations at home using “Family 15” guides

  2. Participate in Middle School Ministry

    • Students & Parents are invited to sign up for a “Confirmation Check-in” with a Pastor near the end of their 8th grade year. It’s a great time to talk about their faith development through Middle School and get ready for High School!

  3. Transition into High School Ministry

  4. Engage in the full body of Christ through worship and serving throughout High School

    • Attend weekly worship and talk about them on the ride home

    • Serve individually and as a family by becoming aware of the needs in your neighborhood

Confirmation Weekend (last weekend in October)

  1. Prepare & share their “Expression of Faith” with the rest of the congregation

  2. Choose a weekend service to attend with their family and participate in the Rite of Confirmation

During points in the Confirmation journey, we will ask students to reflect on how they have learned and grown towards a full life in Christ. A document will be shared for students to record their responses.

What role do parents play in Confirmation?

Parents have the most impact in their children’s faith development. We also know that every family’s schedule is unique. For this reason, we provide you with “Family 15” tools to have faith conversations at dinner or in the car. As the spiritual leader of your household, it’s not about having lots of knowledge, but rather, having conversations. You talk to your child all the time. We will give you the tools to steer those conversations towards faith. It’s really that simple. In addition to faith conversations, your role is to support your child in regular worship attendance and serving.

What role does the church play in Confirmation?

In addition to providing resources for family conversations, the church provides C4 on Sunday mornings as a way for students to build relationships with their peers and receive coaching and instruction from a community of volunteer and staff leaders.  Over the course of three years, C4 content covers the Bible, Luther’s Small Catechism, and other faith basics. In addition to C4, worship, and serving opportunities, we also pair each Confirmation student with a Prayer Mentor. These Prayer Mentors will regularly pray for, encourage, and support students along the journey. 

To learn about First Communion, click HERE