Cultivating An Awareness of My Spiritual Gift

Spiritual gifts are expressions of grace the Holy Spirit gives each believer to serve and build up Christ’s church on earth. As such, your spiritual gift reveals your divine purpose. Scripture notes a variety of gifts, yet no gift is more or less important than any other. There is no pecking order between wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, prophecy, distinguishing between spirits, and tongues on the one hand, or between helping, administrating, teaching, serving, giving, leading, or acts of mercy on the other. Paul briefly unpacks some spiritual gifts in today’s text, and we’ll touch on the same (CTCR, p24 for number of gifts). Just because a Christian might not know his/her spiritual gift, does not mean he/she doesn’t have one. Rather, as stewards of God’s varied grace, we work to cultivate an awareness of our gifting so that we can be intentional to develop and generous to deploy them. Christ uses our giftings to be His hands, feet, and mouth for the common good. Moreover, using our gifts for God’s glory is highly satisfying because when we use them, we’re doing the very thing we were reborn to do.