God’s power by which He can do all things is AT WORK in us by the power of the Holy Spirit. What does that mean for our kingdom work?
Read MoreWith God all things are possible, far more than we could ask or even imagine.
Read MorePrayer comes from God’s armory. Jesus uses prayer in spiritual battle too. Prayer imposes the already won victory of Christ on the enemy!
Read MoreMaking more sense of unanswered prayers. Remember, the Bible teaches a caring Father, and with God, the Bible teaches us about the abundance of grace and blessing when we wait upon the Lord in faith. With God we can actually see unanswered prayers as a time of great blessing in our lives!
Read MoreWe struggle with inconsistencies: “Why are some prayers answered while others are not?” For these next two weeks we’ll open Scripture and grow in our understanding of unanswered prayers. Here’s a brief look at 7 biblical reasons for unanswered prayers: frivolous, selfish, timing off, prayerlessness, active enemy, sinful behavior/s, and unbelief. In trust, we pray not because of who we are or aren’t, but because of who He is!
Read MoreGod is not impressed with complicated, wordy, and lengthy prayers; rather, Jesus says we are free to keep it super simple. The power of prayer is not in the pray-er but in the prayed-to!
Read MorePrayer is a spotlight for the people of God.
Read MorePrayer is a Christian’s most potent posture.
Read MoreGod is Able to do more than you can ask or imagine.
Read MoreIn Jesus our Light has come and our calling to shine in this dark world.
Read MoreChristmas is more than a 24 hour event, for its influence, beyond the daylong festivities, goes on for a lifetime. It speaks of the unique way in which we join Jesus in the redemption and restoration of a sinful, defective, broken world.
Read MoreJesus was SENT to exclaim the Good News. And now, He is sending us out as beacons of joy, putting the Kingdom into motion all around us.
Read MoreJesus is SENT to proclaim the Kingdom of God. What was once a far off hope is now a present reality, fulfilled in the arrival of Jesus. He is the Messenger and the Message.
Read MoreFrom time to time throughout human history, God’s people have been held captive. At times, this captivity was literal, as they were forced into slavery, bondage, and exile by foreign armies and powers. At all times, we have found ourselves captive to our own sinful thoughts, desires, and actions. When God SENT Jesus into the world, He SENT Him to reclaim us from captivity and set us free!
Read MoreWhen God SENT Jesus into the world, He came down and revealed Himself to restore us and all of the world… He didn’t merely send a sign, a message, or a servant. He SENT His Son, Jesus, to claim His crown as rightful King.
Read MoreThe Feast of Christ the King is celebrated in many Christian churches on the last Sunday of the church year. It points to the end of time when the kingdom of Jesus will be established in all its fullness to the ends of the earth. It leads into Advent, when the Church anticipates Christ’s second coming.
Read MoreAll throughout the Bible, we read and are taught to watch out for those who are overlooked and those who are suffering, so that we might take care of all who are in need. When we respond with what we have to the needs we see, God works through us to bring hope and healing into the world.
Read MoreWhen we read Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, it is easy to focus entirely on the three individuals and how they made use of what the Master entrusted to them. When we focus instead on the Heart of the Master, we discover the amazing depth of His generosity toward us, prompting us to share and show the same heart toward others.
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