Posts in Sermon
Keep Calm and Pray: Unanswered Prayer -- Part 1

We struggle with inconsistencies: “Why are some prayers answered while others are not?” For these next two weeks we’ll open Scripture and grow in our understanding of unanswered prayers. Here’s a brief look at 7 biblical reasons for unanswered prayers: frivolous, selfish, timing off, prayerlessness, active enemy, sinful behavior/s, and unbelief. In trust, we pray not because of who we are or aren’t, but because of who He is!

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Sent: Jesus is SENT to Reclaim His People from Captivity

From time to time throughout human history, God’s people have been held captive. At times, this captivity was literal, as they were forced into slavery, bondage, and exile by foreign armies and powers. At all times, we have found ourselves captive to our own sinful thoughts, desires, and actions. When God SENT Jesus into the world, He SENT Him to reclaim us from captivity and set us free!

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