When God SENT Jesus into the world, He came down and revealed Himself to restore us and all of the world… He didn’t merely send a sign, a message, or a servant. He SENT His Son, Jesus, to claim His crown as rightful King.
Read MoreThe Feast of Christ the King is celebrated in many Christian churches on the last Sunday of the church year. It points to the end of time when the kingdom of Jesus will be established in all its fullness to the ends of the earth. It leads into Advent, when the Church anticipates Christ’s second coming.
Read MoreAll throughout the Bible, we read and are taught to watch out for those who are overlooked and those who are suffering, so that we might take care of all who are in need. When we respond with what we have to the needs we see, God works through us to bring hope and healing into the world.
Read MoreWhen we read Jesus’ Parable of the Talents, it is easy to focus entirely on the three individuals and how they made use of what the Master entrusted to them. When we focus instead on the Heart of the Master, we discover the amazing depth of His generosity toward us, prompting us to share and show the same heart toward others.
Read MoreJust before he died, Moses spoke a blessing over the people of Israel. His words still bring comfort to God’s people today, reminding us that God holds us forever in His heart and His hands.
Read MoreGod truly wants us to always be filled with joy, no matter what the circumstances. As His joy fills us, it filters down into every thought, word, and action.
Read MoreStrange as it might sound at first, we can find joy even in suffering, for we know that Christ endured even greater suffering on our behalf. We also know that His suffering and death guarantee us victory and eternal life.
Read MoreThat we are children of God should be reflected in our lives, beginning with our attitudes. As always, we have Christ as our example, and, thankfully, also our Savior.
Read MoreJesus gave us His authority as He commanded us to bring the Gospel to all nations. As we do this, we realize that all Christians — professional church workers and the laity — work together in holding up the Gospel. St. Paul describes a way this can happen when he says: “The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4: 11-12).
Read MoreWhat sets God apart — more than anything else! — is His love. Love is what compelled Him to create us in the first place. Love is what drove Him to the cross to redeem us. And Love is what He longs to see flow through us from Him into the rest of the world.
Read MoreBecause we have nothing to offer God, nothing to give or say that would impress Him, we realize that we are entirely dependent on His mercy and grace. The Good News is that He delights in showing us mercy, and His deepest desire is to see us dwell in His grace, because this enables us to live forever with Him.
Read MoreThe more we come to understand who God is, the more we realize how different He is…and how frightening that can be! He is perfect and powerful, and, like looking into a mirror, that reveals our own inadequacies and failures. Yet, even in this, God is not seeking to frighten us or drive us away from Him; instead, He desperately wants to draw us close and make us more like Him!
Read MoreToday we have access to more information at our fingertips than any human ever before, and yet there’s still so much we don’t know! God, however, knows everything. His memory of the past is flawless and complete, and He even knows everything about the future, too.
Read MoreAt times it seems like the only sure thing in life … is that nothing is sure! The world seems to be constantly changing around us, and it’s hard for us to keep up. In the midst of all this chaos, God promises us that He never changes, and He invites us to build our lives on that solid foundation, so that we are not overwhelmed.
Read MoreAs created beings, we exist within the boundaries of time. We can look back to the day we were born, and we know that someday our lives will come to an end. While it is hard for us to fully grasp, God exists outside those boundaries - He always was, always is, and always will be.
Read MoreGod is nothing like us. As a Spirit, He is not limited by the human features that we so often use to define us (our bodies, our birthdays, our jobs), and yet He reveals Himself to us in ways we can understand. He does this so that we can know Him and have a relationship with Him, which is something no other “god” can do!
Read MoreGod’s people lost God’s Word, leading them to fail to celebrate their most joyful festival — the Passover. Under King Josiah, that Word was found, bringing the people back to where God wanted them to be. As we study His Word, we will come to “ah-ha” moments where we are touched by the presence of God in our lives.
Read MoreYou probably know the story of King David pretty well. He was, after all, a man after God’s own heart and did some amazing things in his life. You may also know about some of his failures and weaknesses. But there’s still something to learn from how, through it all, God worked in his heart…and can work in yours, too!
Read MoreJesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness and encounters the devil. Jesus was tempted, as Israel, and we are. However, Jesus did not sin; He was God. He was confronted by the tempter with real opportunities to sin; but He was able to meet all temptations with Scriptural truth. God’s Word is powerful to defeat evil in our lives. Jesus is the way into the wilderness.
Read MoreWith all the pressures and concerns of life, it can be easy to forget all that God has done for us. That was true for His people throughout the Old Testament, and it’s still true for us today. What never changes is God’s mercy and grace, as well as His eagerness to forgive.
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