Rooted in God’s Soil: The sower tosses his seed, and it lands on four different kinds of soil. The soils are the hearts of the people who make a choice about the message. God is the sower; He works His Word into people’s lives to redeem, restore and transform them.
Read MoreWhen Jesus died, a series of miracles took place: darkness covered the scene, the curtain in the Temple was torn in two, an earthquake shook the site, and people were raised from the dead. This final miracle in the account is usually passed over; so, what happened and what does it mean?
Read MoreAs we approach the 4th of July and celebrate the benefits of being citizens of the United States, we recognize our responsibilities as citizens as Paul outlines them in the Epistle. We also realize a citizenship that is more important, and that is our citizenship in the Kingdom of God, and learn from Martin Luther how we balance these two citizenships.
Read MoreDid you know that the miracles Jesus performed didn’t stop when He returned to heaven? Peter and the rest of the Apostles continued to do amazing things in Jesus’ name…and so can you!
Read MoreWe might think that the doctrine of the Trinity was something new that God revealed in the New Testament, but as we look more closely through the Old Testament, we can see hints and evidence everywhere, even in some surprising places!
Read MoreWhen the Holy Spirit came to Jesus’ disciples at Pentecost, they were empowered to preach the Gospel without fear, causing the church to grow. Today we all too often push the Holy Spirit aside and live with a pride in what we can do. Pride leads to our downfall, but as the Holy Spirit has shown in many nations of Africa and in India, that people excited about their faith can bring phenomenal growth to the Christian Church.
Read MoreCan you name all 12 of Jesus’ disciples? Odds are, you know a few quite well and the others not so much. Today we are going to explore the one most likely to be overlooked: Matthias, the disciple chosen to replace Judas.
Read MoreThe impact of Easter is not limited to empty tombs and being set free from death. It extends to every moment of every day, setting us free to live our Resurrection Life to its fullest but never in a way that causes anyone else confusion or harm.
Read MoreLife for many is filled with anxiety and sorrow, but for those who know the power of Jesus’ Resurrection it is filled with an irrepressible hope and an inexpressible joy. That doesn’t mean that this Resurrection Life is always easy, but it assures us that it’s worth it!
Read MoreEaster’s victory filters down to every moment of every day, as well as every relationship we have. Our victory over sin’s stranglehold gives us new freedom and that compels us to live differently not just for ourselves but also for everyone around us, especially those closest to us. This Resurrection Life transforms our broken relationships by empowering us to live the way God meant us to live.
Read MoreAt first it looked like everything was lost. Jesus was dead, and His disciples were scattered and demoralized…until His Resurrection changed everything! Our Resurrection Life may not look like much, but resurrection power pulses in our veins and gives us life that one day will be revealed but exists for now just below the surface.
Read MoreThe Resurrection of Jesus points us towards our own, assuring us that our very bodies will be brought back to life, perfected for eternal life. Knowing this, we treat our earthly bodies and all creation with greater respect, and we face down death without flinching, confident that it is not the end. Death itself has been defeated, and we possess eternal life.
Read MoreWhen Jesus stepped out of the tomb on the first Easter morning, He did more than change just one life (His) … He changed every life (including yours). Through the power of His resurrection, your life is guaranteed to be filled with victory!
Read MoreMost of us do not feel qualified to do what Jesus asks, especially when it comes to sharing our faith with others. Unfortunately, Jesus doesn’t make this optional! The good news is that He also doesn’t make it difficult. We simply tell our story, pointing out how God has been at work in our lives.
Read MoreWe tend to like people who are like us. It’s just part of our human nature. Yet this often leaves some on the margins, ignored and overlooked, breaking the heart of God. For that reason, Jesus calls us to seek them out and show them radical hospitality, just as He has shown us.
Read MoreWe were literally made to serve, and nothing fulfills us more than when we serve others. Jesus invites you into a life that is bigger than yourselves, focused on others, and filled with purpose.
Read MoreMore than anything else, we need forgiveness. We need to receive it, and we need to give it. Yet it often eludes us, slipping out of our grasp. Following Jesus begins and ends with His forgiveness, freely given and received and then shared widely to all.
Read MoreBefore we do anything for Him, Jesus simply asks us to be with Him. Our doing flows out of our being, not the other way around. While it can feel frustrating and unproductive to focus on being with Jesus, it is where we all have to start!
Read MoreFollowing Jesus - that is, listening to His Words and putting them into practice - is what our life as Christians is truly all about. And yet many of us find it nearly impossible to do! With God’s help and the encouragement of one another, we can do it!
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