Posts in Sermon
Forgotten Bible: The Joy of Pentecost

When the Holy Spirit came to Jesus’ disciples at Pentecost, they were empowered to preach the Gospel without fear, causing the church to grow. Today we all too often push the Holy Spirit aside and live with a pride in what we can do. Pride leads to our downfall, but as the Holy Spirit has shown in many nations of Africa and in India, that people excited about their faith can bring phenomenal growth to the Christian Church.

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Resurrection Life: Life, Victory, and Hope for Broken Relationships

Easter’s victory filters down to every moment of every day, as well as every relationship we have. Our victory over sin’s stranglehold gives us new freedom and that compels us to live differently not just for ourselves but also for everyone around us, especially those closest to us. This Resurrection Life transforms our broken relationships by empowering us to live the way God meant us to live.

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Resurrection Life: Our Resurrection

The Resurrection of Jesus points us towards our own, assuring us that our very bodies will be brought back to life, perfected for eternal life. Knowing this, we treat our earthly bodies and all creation with greater respect, and we face down death without flinching, confident that it is not the end. Death itself has been defeated, and we possess eternal life.

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Explore God: Can I Know God Personally?

We, like the people of Laodicea, are truly wealthy and that wealth can cause us to lose a focus on Jesus. We, like the Laodiceans fall far short of God’s expectations, but in grace Jesus asks us to invite Him so that He can eat with us and experience the same ‘Wow!’ experience the Emmaus disciples felt when He ate with them. In the meal of Holy Communion, we are empowered to follow Jesus in lives that give Him glory.

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