Explore God: Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?
Why Does God Allow Pain and Suffering?
Because God is greater than we are, we cannot fully understand or explain all of the problems we encounter. However, we can be certain of God’s perfect power, His perfect timing, His perfect purpose, and His perfect love.
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Explore God: Is There a God?
Is there a God? Evidence of God comes from creation, morality, intelligence, and love. Once we establish that there must be a God, we are ready to discover who God really is.
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Explore God: Does Life Have a Purpose?
Every person on Earth was created to know and love God personally. Life is meaningless without God, but God gives everything meaning.
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Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever
As we near the new year, we look at changes that have come our way in the past, some of which have been painful, God’s promise of His continued presence and a future with God forever.
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What Child is This? -- Mary
Can you even begin to imagine what it would be like to give birth to the Son of God, the Savior of the World? Every parent longs to see their child grow up to be strong and healthy, but for Mary it was much more than that! Yet, did she, too, wonder, “What Child is This?”
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What Child is This? -- The Wise Men
Some time after Jesus was born, Magi from the East came to worship Him, guided by a star and bearing priceless gifts, fit for a king. The gifts we give each Christmas remind us of these men, but even more, the greatest gift of all—Jesus.
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What Child is This? -- The Shepherds
After their encounter with the angels, the shepherds must have been asking one another “What Child is This?” as they went to Bethlehem to find the newborn baby Jesus. Still to this day that very same question stirs the hearts and minds of those who celebrate His birth.
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Stewardship Stories: Contentment and Generosity Go Hand-in-Hand
Each of us has a Stewardship Story to tell, based on what God has given to us and how we have used it. If you are not thrilled with your story, you still have time to change it…and to make sure that “The End” is awesome!
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Stewardship Stories: Christian Stewards are Made, Not Born
Your Stewardship Story includes how you handle every resource God has given you: your money, your time, your relationships, and all that you have and do. If you want God’s story to increasingly shape your own, you need to make it a priority to listen to God on a more regular basis and then put into practice what He says.
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Stewardship Stories: Start with God's Story
Zacchaeus may have been a “wee little man,” but God is still using his story in a BIG way. When we remember all that God has done for us, we can take everything He entrusts to us and use it for good and for His glory.
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Big "C" Church -- All Saints Day
Our common faith transcends time itself, uniting us with fellow believers who now enjoy the blessings of Heaven. While we grieve their death, we find great comfort in knowing that we will see them again!
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Big "C" Church -- What Does it Mean to Stand Out and Stand Up for What We Believe?
United by our common faith in Jesus and our work together in the world, we strengthen that faith and work by our bold confession of faith. By going public with what we believe, we encourage others and strengthen our own convictions.
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Big "C" Church - We Are All in This Together
When asked if they belong to a church, most people will immediately think of the local congregation they call home. What may not come to mind is the network of congregations and fellow Christians that also exists all across the Chicagoland region and beyond — the Northern Illinois District. Even so, our work together is powerful, important, and exciting!
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Big "C" Church -- South Africa ABCs
When Jesus sent His Disciples out to all the world, He created a movement that would unite people across all cultural, racial, and geographical boundaries. When we get to glimpse the unity we have with fellow Christians across the globe, it lifts our spirits and opens our hearts to all of God’s children.
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Half Empty: What's Keeping You from a Full Life in Christ? -- Handling Your Possessions Well
Do you feel trapped by all of your stuff? How can we have so much, yet feel so little satisfaction? While God delights in blessing us with more than we need, He also has a plan for how we should use it. When we stick to the plan, we don’t get as stuck.
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Half Empty: What's Keeping You from a Full Life in Christ? -- Living Life with a Clear Purpose
Is your life boring? Do you feel like you are on the outside, looking in, rather than having the time of your life? Refocus on how Jesus is at work in the world around you and recover His purpose for your life!
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Half Empty: What's Keeping You from a Full Life in Christ? -- Sharing Life in Community
Do people really know you? Not just your name or a few things about you… More than ever before, people struggle with loneliness. Rediscover God’s best and fresh energy for life by entering deeper relationships with fellow Christians.
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