Posts in Sermon
Half Empty: What's Keeping You from a Full Life in Christ? -- Including Others (Especially who are Different)

In the parable of the great banquet, it speaks about a host that commands his servants “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys…bring the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” Who are these people? Losers? Outcasts of society? Second class citizens? Or God’s beloved children? What does this parable teach us about the kingdom of God? How can the body of Christ be more inclusive to the special needs community?

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Half Empty: What's Keeping You from a Full Life in Christ? -- The Importance of Reading God's Word

Do you have a crystal clear picture of what God wants you to think, say, and do? Odds are, if you don’t, it’s because you haven’t been spending as much time reading God’s Word. With the start of a new school year, it is a great time to start new rhythms in your family life AND your spiritual life, including regular time reading the Bible.

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Shuffle: A Random Collection of Favorite Topics -- Do Not Put the Lord Your God to the Test

The Lord led the Israelites in the wilderness, and they faced various “testing”. When they camped at Rephidim, they complained and grumbled about the water supply. Just like the children of Israel, we question God and put Him to the test. How easily we forget what God has done for us! No wonder our Lord instructed us to ask the Father not only to give us “our daily bread” (Matt. 6:11) but also to protect us from temptation (Matt. 6:13).

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Shuffle: A Random Collection of Favorite Topics -- How to Cope with Worry: The Christian Response

It is natural to feel anxious when we are in pain or to feel helpless while a loved one struggles. So, what can we do about anxiety and worry? The apostle Paul understood the human tendency to let our thoughts spiral downward as we focus on the negative. He urges us to focus on things of eternal value (the peace of Jesus Christ), and then, release our worry through prayer.

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Shuffle: A Random Collection of Favorite Topics -- Prayer for the Nation

On this weekend following our National Holiday we see how people rendered unto Caesar (the government) the things that are Caesar’s as they risked their lives for our freedom. We also see how people rendered unto God what belongs to God, themselves (since they are made in God’s image) as they risk their lives for the sake of the Gospel.

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I, II, III John: Life with the Father -- II John

When we walk in love, as God’s Children, we know that we will come under attack from the Devil, as well as the world around us. Although we know it’s coming, sometimes it can still catch us by surprise…and even cause us to stumble and fall. We must, therefore, pay close attention to Jesus and remain devoted to His Word, so that we might know the truth and remain close to the Father.

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