Do you ever wonder if your life really has any meaning? What kind of impression will you leave on the world after you are gone? Increase the amount of time and energy you spend making the lives of others better, and you will find more joy and satisfaction in your own!
Read MoreIn the parable of the great banquet, it speaks about a host that commands his servants “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys…bring the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame.” Who are these people? Losers? Outcasts of society? Second class citizens? Or God’s beloved children? What does this parable teach us about the kingdom of God? How can the body of Christ be more inclusive to the special needs community?
Read MoreOne of the primary components of any relationship is communication. As Christians, we are in a relationship with our God. How much time do you spend talking with Him? God has invited, even commanded, us to pray; and, He promises to hear and answer when we “call.”
Read MoreDo you have a deep, personal connection with God? Is it growing better or worse? It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but there’s a direct correlation between time spent in worship and feeling connected to God. How can you increase the amount of time you spend in worship?
Read MoreDo you have a crystal clear picture of what God wants you to think, say, and do? Odds are, if you don’t, it’s because you haven’t been spending as much time reading God’s Word. With the start of a new school year, it is a great time to start new rhythms in your family life AND your spiritual life, including regular time reading the Bible.
Read MoreThe Lord led the Israelites in the wilderness, and they faced various “testing”. When they camped at Rephidim, they complained and grumbled about the water supply. Just like the children of Israel, we question God and put Him to the test. How easily we forget what God has done for us! No wonder our Lord instructed us to ask the Father not only to give us “our daily bread” (Matt. 6:11) but also to protect us from temptation (Matt. 6:13).
Read MoreWhen disaster strikes, it rocks us to the core, leaving us shocked and afraid, angry and dismayed. Why would God allow such things to happen? Strangely, in the midst of such storms, Jesus meets us and does amazing things for us and through us.
Read MoreIt is natural to feel anxious when we are in pain or to feel helpless while a loved one struggles. So, what can we do about anxiety and worry? The apostle Paul understood the human tendency to let our thoughts spiral downward as we focus on the negative. He urges us to focus on things of eternal value (the peace of Jesus Christ), and then, release our worry through prayer.
Read MoreIn our world, in which we are told that “if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is,” God offers us forgiveness, salvation, and life eternal at no cost to us. Too good to be true?
Read MoreOn this weekend following our National Holiday we see how people rendered unto Caesar (the government) the things that are Caesar’s as they risked their lives for our freedom. We also see how people rendered unto God what belongs to God, themselves (since they are made in God’s image) as they risk their lives for the sake of the Gospel.
Read MoreEvery day we hear news about people dying — sometimes people near and dear to us, and sometimes people on the other side of the world. As St. Paul says, “we face death all day long.” So what does a Christian do? What do we think? Where can we turn for hope?
Read MoreAs the disciples of Jesus found themselves in a terrible storm fearing for their lives; so, we have been “in the same boat.” This was probably not at sea; but, in the storms of life that often occur. This Biblical account gives us the assurance that, as Jesus was with the disciples, He is always with us.
Read MoreWhen we embrace Life with the Father, we leave a legacy for the generations that follow us, along with countless others who are watching us to see if what we believe actually makes a difference.
Read MoreWhen we walk in love, as God’s Children, we know that we will come under attack from the Devil, as well as the world around us. Although we know it’s coming, sometimes it can still catch us by surprise…and even cause us to stumble and fall. We must, therefore, pay close attention to Jesus and remain devoted to His Word, so that we might know the truth and remain close to the Father.
Read MoreTo live as God’s Children is to have faith in Jesus and to do the things Jesus does. When we do, we have confidence and power and eternal life.
Read MoreSometimes it’s hard to tell what is true and what is not, what is right and what is wrong, because evil loves to disguise itself as something good. To help us know and do what is right, God the Father gives us His Son, Jesus, who lives within us by the Holy Spirit.
Read MoreJust like with our human parents, God’s children grow up to look like Him. And just like human children often struggle to obey their parents, we can struggle to obey our Heavenly Father … but that doesn’t stop Him from loving us and calling us back to Him and to who we truly are.
Read MoreAs God’s Children, we are filled with His love, which covers over all of our sin and fills us with His light. It only makes sense, then, for us to love one another, just like Jesus has loved us.
Read MoreLife. True Life. Eternal Life. John, the Disciple whom Jesus loved, invites us to explore the beauty and power of Life with the Father, as he learned it firsthand from Jesus, God’s Son, and now shares it with all of God’s children.
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