Posts in Sermon
Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Life is Not Futile

Do you ever wonder if what you are doing really makes a difference? In such a big world with so may people around us and so much going on, it’s easy to feel insignificant. Foolish as it may sound, Jesus promises us that every one of us is stunningly unique and has a part to play in God’s work in the world. When we embrace that promise, we have confidence that we really can make a lasting difference by what we do.

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Pain is Not Fruitless

We all tend to avoid suffering at all costs.  And that makes sense.  Yet some people seem to thrive despite amazingly difficult circumstances.  Some even claim they would not change a thing after a time of suffering because of the change that suffering brought into their life.  As foolish as it sounds, we believe that God can actually transform our suffering into blessing both for us and for those around us.

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Past is Not Fatal

Everyone has made mistakes and carries around the scars to prove it.  Most of us, however, are pretty good at hiding them, even from ourselves.  Eventually, feelings of regret, shame, and guilt will catch up with us, causing us to wonder if we will ever find healing.  Foolish as it may sound, Jesus promises that we can find freedom and healing through His free gift of matter what we've done in the past.

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Foolish Things Christians Believe: My Death is Not Final

Central to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus proved that He was who He claimed to be by rising from the dead.  Without this miracle Jesus is just another false messiah -- deluded into believing He was the son of God and foolishly giving His life to save the world.  But the resurrection proves that Jesus' death rescued us all and that His mission to restore God's creation is accomplished.  Best of all, Jesus taught that, because He lives, we shall live also!  He is the first fruits of all who believe.  We too will one day rise again!

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Palm Sunday: Why Would God Command Such a Thing?

The scene was strangely familiar, at least to those with good memories.  A beloved son, destined to die, was on his way up the mountain.  The donkey.  The wood for the sacrifice.  It was all there!  Why would God demand such a sacrifice?  Why would the young man go along with it?  What good could possibly come from this?

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Why Multiply? -- Go! Make it Happen!

It's time to get started connecting people to Jesus.  We all know that this is the mission that we, the Church, have been tasked with.  Making it happen, though, is another story.  This week you'll be challenged to make this mission a reality in your life through the story of how Prince of Peace in Palatine started a brand new church just a few short years ago.

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Joining Jesus: Show Me How -- How Does Discipling Work?

God has already given us what the world so desperately needs, but we don't have it in us to give it away, at least to the degree that God has planned.  To do this -- that is, to become a disciple on mission for the good of others -- takes quite a bit of work.  Fortunately for us (and for the world), Jesus is up to the task, and as soon as we begin following Him as part of our daily life, so are we!

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Joining Jesus: Show Me How -- What is the Mission of God, According to God?

The Mission of God is the one thing that ties together what God was doing in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, as well as what He is doing in the world right now.  His purpose is clear: He wants to redeem and restore all things.  His strategy is clear, too: He wants to use us to bring His kingdom to the people closest to us in small, tangible ways.

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