Standing Firm Under Earthly Authorities

What a time for Peter’s hearers then (scattered under increasingly hostile Roman rule) and now (in the midst of another tense election year) to receive these words of Jesus! As citizens in a land that increasingly rejects our gospel message, Peter gives us a fourfold-calling as citizens under earthly governments. First, he calls us to “be subject” to every civil authority as part of God’s will for us (v13-15). Likewise, God establishes earthly governments to (1) punish those who do evil; and (2) to praise those who do good. In this way, both sides serve and bless the other/the community as a whole. Second, Peter assumes that Christians under any government will naturally be those who are “doing good” and thereby “silencing any ignorant, foolish people.” (v15) Third, we are to use our Christian freedom not as a license to sin but to live as servants of God (v16). Fourth, we are to honor fellow citizens as we honor the emperor; in this way we show our fear of God (v17). In all of this, even if we suffer for doing good, God looks graciously upon us and to this Christ left us an example (v20-21).