Standing Firm in Holy Exile

Where do you set your hope? Peter calls us to fully set our hope now on the grace to be revealed when Jesus returns. This has been God’s endgame for His children from eternity! Moreover, when we fix our hope each day on the sure and certain Great Day, it changes how we live in the moment. Amidst the lure and pull of this present, evil age, we – as spiritual exiles – live sober-minded and holy lives, distinct from those around us…ever fighting the desires of sin. [Perhaps recall a time when you were in a unique social setting and felt like a complete outcast/outsider who didn’t really belong there.] For in our holy exile (Jesus has called us out of this world so that we do not belong to it anymore), we know that Christ has ransomed us not with silver or gold, but with His precious blood; and He has been raised from the dead and received glory, so that our faith and hope are always in Him.