Jesus Transforms Us Wherever We Are

In today’s portion, Mary runs out of their house to meet Jesus where Martha had met Him. The Jews who were there consoling Mary and Martha followed her. Jesus asks to see where they have laid Lazarus, and there He weeps. Through His weeping the gathered see the depth of Jesus’ love for Lazarus. John describes the tomb as a cave with a stone laying against it. In astonishment, Jesus commands them to remove the stone. Martha raises concern about the strength of odor, for he had been dead four days. (p95-111) Jesus answers Martha, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?” So the people take away the stone.

Whether you find yourself in grief, disappointment, shame, brokenness, doubt, fear, worry, burnout – or a dead man in a remote tomb outside a small village called Bethany, Jesus can transform anyone at any time in any circumstance! “Take the stone away.”

Are you longing for something different from the life you’ve been living so far? Tired of keeping external appearances up to hide internal pain from others? Ready to surrender personal efforts to control sin (i.e., “sin management”...p15-21) ? Jesus can help.