Jesus Sends Us OUT

Jesus never lost sight of His clear purpose to redeem and restore sinful humanity through His death and resurrection… AND He invites us to continue that work! Our job is clear: Go make disciples! Or, said a little differently: Lead People to a Full Life in Christ (John 10:10)! There is no Plan B or backup strategy if we don’t get around to it. We are God’s only plan for telling the whole world about Him: YOU AND ME! Ok, no pressure right!?! Don’t worry. When we look at the ways of Jesus, He led with relationship when sharing His Good News. We can trust, like Jesus did, that God has a plan for us and that God goes before us preparing the harvest. Jesus is already at work in every interaction and potential relationship, preparing people to be in a relationship with us and their hearts to hear about Jesus, who is in us. There is little-to-no arguing nor heated debates when you share Jesus with people God has prepared and placed in your life. These people God is preparing are peaceful to you, and you are peaceful to them. What good news!