Cultivating Generosity with My Spiritual Gift

How can I best put my spiritual gift/s to use? Peter explains that part of “loving one another earnestly” means using our gifts to serve one another. The Holy Spirit’s plan at conversion was not to make us fortunate receivers of God’s varied grace, but to make us generous givers! How is St. Peter encouraging and empowering men and women generationally in our worship community to be generous with their giftings and in multiplying gifts in others? What discipleship needs to be offered regarding how gifts are utilized for God or for others? How can we celebrate the use of gifts outside church walls? We can encourage believers to (1) connect to smaller groups/charities where their passions and gifts can be put to use; (2) use their giftedness to enthusiastically serve the church – not because we’re desperate to fill holes, but because their gifting actually helps build up Christ’s church; (3) bless their neighborhood/local community as God wants to use us and our gifts in His mission to redeem and restore communities and draw people into His kingdom; and (4) think through your spheres of influence and relational circles (including immediately family, friends, coworkers, etc.) and pray for God to show us opportunities to live generously with our spiritual gifts. When we unleash our giftedness, we join Jesus in His mission. In doing so, we build up His church, bring hope to local communities and missions, help people find a relationship with God, deepen our own faith, and live out His purpose for us.