Jesus is Lord, Even Over My Death

Life isn’t as it should be. God’s good creation has been subjected to another master. Another ruler. Another lord. To this lord we all bow in helpless submission. I’m speaking of the dark lord death. It encompasses all people of all times and all places. Despite our most valiant efforts and our most brilliant minds, none of us can outwit or outsmart or outlast death. We will die. Such contemplations make us rightfully uneasy. But on Good Friday, Jesus - through His death - delivered us from the domain of darkness into His light. This means that in Jesus, we’ve already died. We’ve already been delivered. We do not cower or pay homage to the dark lord death. Because of Jesus, we will never experience complete and total separation. And neither have our loved ones who died trusting in the Lord Jesus. Neither they nor we will ever feel the pain and humiliation Jesus suffered on that first Good Friday. Their sins and our sins have already been removed. In Christ’s death, we have already died. And through faith in him, we are already rising at the command of Lord God Almighty. In seven words, “Jesus is Lord, Even Over My Death.”