Free Indeed!

What great joy it brings when we see God set another captive like us free! Our heavenly Father wants us to live free in His Son. Before the Spirit brought us to Christ, we were slaves to sin. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, sin’s power over us has been broken. Satan has no claim of authority in our lives. Though Satan wants us to believe that we remain in bondage to fear, anger, addiction, depression, anxiety, past mistakes, etc. He is a defeated foe! In Christ, every child of God is accepted, secure, and significant. In Jesus, we are not addicts, loners, losers, outcasts, victims, or failures. We may struggle with some of these fleshly patterns, but that is not who we are (identity). We are free in Christ, and In Him, we have every right to believe our freedom and live from it each and every day. Where are you living, thinking, believing, and behaving as if you are still in chains? Where is Jesus calling you to break free and live from your freedom in Him?