Celebrate Easter at St. Peter
Sunday, April 20, 2025
8:00 aM – Sunrise Traditional Service (Sanctuary)*
As dawn breaks, we will gather in the Sanctuary, just as the women gathered outside Jesus’ tomb. As worship begins, we will unveil the cross and rejoice in Jesus’ victory over sin and death! The service will be filled with your favorite Easter hymns and special music provided by our choir and brass.
9:00 aM – Modern (Life Center)
Engaging all five senses, embracing movement and participation from all ages, this worship service is perfect for families and anyone looking for a more relaxed atmosphere. This band driven service gives many opportunities for meaningful connections with Jesus and others.
9:45 aM – Traditional Service (Sanctuary)*
As our largest Easter morning service, this traditional worship service promises to fill you with joy as you celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, accompanied by some of the best Easter hymns, as well as special music provided by our choir and brass.
10:30 aM – Modern (Life Center)
Engaging all five of your senses and embracing movement and participation from all ages, these worship services are perfect for families and for anyone looking for a more relaxed atmosphere for worship. We have transformed the Life Center into a beautiful, intimate worship space, and we are excited to invite you to worship our Risen Savior in this fresh, new way.
Jesus gives us His true body and blood in the bread and wine for the forgiveness of our sins (Matt 26:26-28). Baptized Christians who believe His words and have been instructed in the faith are welcome to His Supper.